Please click on the PICS UK Colour Link to view ( 30 ) + different available colours, you can also click on their Patterns photo-galleries with ( 87 ) available from; Cobble Patterns, Brick, Tile, Wood, Stone & Slate. Also features are available from Brick or Cobble StoneSoldier Borders in contrasting colours, plus Cobbled Circles, Compass & Lotus Flower Medallions in sizes from 2 – 10 feet in diameter to add a more unique Design.
PICS UK are the only company Somcrete based in Leicestershire buy from for all our Colour Surface Hardeners (CSH) & Sealer’s as they are regarded as one of the highest quality suppliers in the World with every (CSH) strictly made in England UK only, and distributed Worldwide. We also use their high quality pattern imprint mats, moulded from real Stone/Slate etc for a very realistic & natural Stone/Cobble impressions.
PICS UK are ONLY suppliers to there Trade Account Customers, and their products are not available for sale on the internet / Ebay as others are.